How to configure Mikrotik RB1100AHx2
I. Network Infrastructure
In this session you will be able to:
- Configure IP address on interface
- Configure DHCP and apply to each interface (10 interface)
- Routes
- Create interface bridge
- Create NAT rule.
- Allow port camera (DVR Camera) can remote from outside.
Now, I have network infrastructure and I will configure it as my infrastructure. So, Please follow me step by step.
II. Rename interface and add IP address to interface
+ Rename interface
- Ethernet13= WAN-eth13
- Ethernet1= LAN-ether1
II. Create Port Bridge
What is port interface bridge? Interface Bridge is one method that we can combine two interface or more interface to be one interface and that interface we called interface bridge. However, interface that we had combine we called master interface or master port.
I take LAN-ether1 and ether6 to create interface bridge.
==> LAN-ether1 + ether6 = bridge1 (bridge1 is name of bridge)
How to do it:
+ Add LAN-ether1 into bridge1
+ Add ether6 into bridge1
III. Add IP Address to interface
- On WAN-eth13
- On LAN-ether1
Create DHCP server on port bridge (bridge1)
+ First method
+ Second method
V. Apply all interface to get DHCP from Master port
*** Master port of ether2, 3, 4 and 5 is LAN-ether1
+ ether2
+ ether3
+ ether4
+ ether5
*** Master port of ether7, 8, 9 and 10 is ether6
+ ether7
+ ether8
+ ether9
+ ether10
VI. Route and NAT
+ Route
- Default-Route
- Static Route
VII. Open port for DVR Camera can remote from outside
+ Add port 9091
And for port 8080 and 37778 is do the same.
Note: You can add more port that you want.